Robert Rayer
Software Engineer at Quality Distribution
Experienced full stack developer that has worked on enterprise software across multiple different industries, including Law Enforcement, Project Management, Accounting, and Logistics after graduating from Louisiana State University with a B.S. in Information Systems and Decision Sciences.
My current focus is in ASP.NET Core web applications following the MVC pattern with a SQL Server backend. I also have extensive experience working in WPF desktop applications.

My current focus is creating web applications using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, BootStrap, C# and the .NET Core 3.1 framework


Fluent in C# with over 5 years of experience creating applications across several different front and backend frameworks

SQL Server
SQL Server

Over 5 years of experience creating new queries, views, tables, stored procedures, triggers, and improving existing query performance in SQL Server databases

Visual Studio
Visual Studio

Proficient with Visual Studio 2019, 2017, 2015, and 2012

Microsoft Certified Professional

Certified in SQL Server 2016 Database Development