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  • Software Engineer - Quality Distribution Inc.

    Analysis, design, and development of new web applications to improve efficiency of internal processes utilizing new ASP.NET Core MVC sites and REST APIs using C#, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, and BootStrap

  • Technical Consultant - BST Global

    Wrote estimates, designed solutions, and developed WPF applications using C# with a SQL Server backend

  • Senior Software Engineer - PTS Solutions

    Made lead developer on the Jail Management System rewrite as a WPF application using C# with a SQL Server backend

  • Development Engineer II - PTS Solutions

    Played a pivotal role in the rewrite of the Computer Aided Dispatch system as a WPF application using C# with a SQL Server backend

  • Software Developer - PTS Solutions

    Helped with the initial design and architecture of a new suite of WPF applications to replace legacy systems

  • Graduated from LSU - B.S. ISDS

    Graduated from LSU with a BS in Information Systems and Decision Sciences

  • Development Intern - PTS Solutions

    Finished a winforms project to manage personel and training for police officers